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SUNDAY DECEMBER 30, 2018 "That We Might Receive Adoption" Galatians 4:5-6

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YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US TODAY as we continue to explore themes taken from Galatians 4, answering questions from the famous, Christmas carol: “What Child Is This?” Come along and find out from the scriptures, who Jesus is, the significance of his coming and what that means for us. Our morning worship service will begin at 10 am, followed by a time of coffee, snacks and fellowship.

There are NO LIFE GROUPS TODAY THROUGH JANUARY 6, 2019 because of holiday scheduling. Our LIFE GROUPS will resume on January 13, 2019.

SIGN UP TODAY for the New Years Brunch happening on January 6, 2019: How many will be attending in your family what you can volunteer to bring: breakfast casserole, fruit or cinnamon rolls. Coffee & juice will be provided by the church.

Want to know more? Contact us via email by clicking HERE.