Beginning Sunday Morning, January 14, 2024 Life Groups and Sunday School

After the worship service, you are invited to stay and grow with others in one of the following classes:

Sunday Morning Life Groups

Sermon Based: Gathering to discuss and apply the sermon Room 3 - Adults led by Mostellers or McKees Room 6 - Adults led by Brian Hill Room 4 - Women led by Felicia Graff, Laura Phillips & Laura Tschirhart Room 2 - Young Adults and High School led by Robert Pinion or Adrian Bright. Room 11 - Middle School led by John Geasland Room 12 - 4th - 5th Grade led by Stevy Pinion.

Topical Elective: Introduction to Hillside Church - an Evangelical Free Church Room 7 - Welcome to the Family - led by Josef Tschirhart

Sunday School 

Young Elementary Group: Bible lessons for Pre-K-3rd grade Room 9 - Michelle Geasland and Carmen Tschirhart

Nursery: Child care for children ages birth -3ish - rotation

Mid-Week Groups

Young Adult and Youth Group: led by Adrian Bright

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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